An independent school and nursery in Danbury, Chelmsford, Essex for boys and girls aged 2-11

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

01245 223131

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

07:20 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

01245 223131


The children have been practising hard in drama and music lessons to celebrate and share their harvest songs and the year 6 assembly with everyone that attended on Friday. Many thanks to all of you who came to celebrate with us, we loved seeing so many of you. The year 6 form led the whole school in singing, acting and 
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By Lizzie R, Henry S and Sam W My day at Kentwell Hall was very interesting. I met all different types of people such as the: Butts, the Woodmen (which the Tudor family couldn’t have lived without); the Herald, the Dairymaids and Needlewomen. The Stillroom’s potions and lotions smelt lovely, because they had used exquisite smelling flowers. One of the 
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Melissa and Maisie, Year 6 On the 12th of March, Year 6 went on a school trip to Braintree Museum to learn more about the Victorian era.  Everyone dressed in Victorian costumes. We arrived at the museum and travelled back in time to begin a Victorian school day by being asked a variety of questions about our reigning monarch, Queen 
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Year 6 Remembrance Sunday, which fell on 12 November this year, is a day for the nation to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom. At Heathcote School, we paid tribute to those who have suffered or died in previous wars in a whole school gathering in the large playground. Mrs Barber played the 
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Lilia, Year 6 I was so excited and thrilled to be going to the Royal Albert Hall in London, because I have heard such amazing and tremendous things about it. Forms 4, 5 and 6 were going to attend and sing at the Barnardos Young Supporters Concert on the 1st November, 2017 along with other children from different schools. It 
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James, Year 6 In House Assembly we were asked to make a poster for our school charity ‘The Alzheimer’s Society.’ I started drawing a tree but I didn’t get it finished in the session. First of all I had thought about just putting words to do with Alzheimer’s on my tree. Then in my free time I kept adding to 
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Mr Daniels On Friday, year 4, 5 and 6 travelled to Garon Park in Southend to take part in the ISA Regional Athletics event. This included many events such as long jump, high jump, throwing, shot put and many running events from sprints to long distance. All the children performed extremely well and really proved themselves to be great competitors. 
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Mr Daniels and Mrs Howles Before half term, we welcomed Gosfield School to Heathcote to play a netball and football match against the year 5 and 6 children. Starting with the football, the year 5’s drew 2-2 and the year 6’s won 3-2. This was a fantastic afternoon from all the boys and they all showed great passion and determination 
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