An independent school and nursery in Danbury, Chelmsford, Essex for boys and girls aged 2-11

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

01245 223131

Eves Corner, Danbury

Essex CM3 4QB

07:20 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

01245 223131

Yearly Archives: 2019

The children have been practising hard in drama and music lessons to celebrate and share their harvest songs and the year 6 assembly with everyone that attended on Friday. Many thanks to all of you who came to celebrate with us, we loved seeing so many of you. The year 6 form led the whole school in singing, acting and 
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At Heathcote we are working together through our PSHRE lessons, CRE lessons and as part of our form period time to support each other’s unique amazing characters. We want to celebrate all that is wonderful about every one of us. During the week beginning 11th November we will be holding our usual annual antibullying week which is this year entitled 
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Come and see our school and nursery in action!  We would love to show you the progressive approach and individualised learning every pupil receives in our small classes.  Our teachers and pupils work as a team to foster a love of lifelong learning whilst at the same time encouraging all our community to be curious, appreciative and respectful towards the world around them. There is 
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By Lizzie R, Henry S and Sam W My day at Kentwell Hall was very interesting. I met all different types of people such as the: Butts, the Woodmen (which the Tudor family couldn’t have lived without); the Herald, the Dairymaids and Needlewomen. The Stillroom’s potions and lotions smelt lovely, because they had used exquisite smelling flowers. One of the 
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Our class went to Colchester Castle to learn about the Stormin’ Normans. Our first activity was to build an arch, we had to work together as a team and then test how strong it was. The first time wasn’t successful but the second time it stood up without scaffolding! Our Guide at the castle showed us around. We went up 
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We are delighted to announce that we, Heathcote School & Nursery, have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2018/19 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, 
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Following our inspection by the Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) in February 2019, we are proud to be “Excellent” in all areas of the Nursery and School. This rating is applied to both the academic development and personal development of our pupils. Pupils demonstrate a high level of achievement by the time they leave the school. Pupils’ attitudes to learning are 
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Mrs Forgeron Many thanks to all of you who attended our work sharing afternoons last week. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to see your children’s books and folders. I hope also that you find the parents’ evenings this week and next informative and helpful. This month’s theme is humility. Humility often conjures up images of weakness, submissiveness and fear but 
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Melissa and Maisie, Year 6 On the 12th of March, Year 6 went on a school trip to Braintree Museum to learn more about the Victorian era.  Everyone dressed in Victorian costumes. We arrived at the museum and travelled back in time to begin a Victorian school day by being asked a variety of questions about our reigning monarch, Queen 
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Bip, Year 3 Last week, we went to Braintree Museum and learnt about rocks and fossils. When we got there we went in and took our coats off.  First we chose a rock and we scratched it and we wrote down what happened.  Then we put the rock in water and wrote down what happened.  Then we put the rock 
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